A classic egg salad sandwich hits the spot on many occasions. You can serve it on your favourite sliced bread or buns, toasted or plain. It's always a...
What could be better than two timeless recipes combined? The taste of traditional pumpkin pie artfully blended with classic custard make for a charming...
The secret to this recipe is the grated eggs, which adds creaminess to this simple salad, finished off with sweet onion vinaigrette. It is sure to become...
Whether you're counting calories or not, using turkey-style bacon and less blue cheese is a simple way to reduce the calories and fat in this classic main...
Kenilworth egg farmers Steve and Marsha Shaw love brownies. Especially Steve, who is a serious chocolate lover! These brownies can be enjoyed sliced into...
Delightful little bites to enjoy with a light airy frosting that is easy to make. Be sure to garnish these delicious cupcakes with an extra special sprinkle...
Kenilworth egg farmers Steve and Marsha Shaw love brownies. Especially Steve, who is a serious chocolate lover! These brownies can be enjoyed sliced into...
The secret to this recipe is the grated eggs, which adds creaminess to this simple salad, finished off with sweet onion vinaigrette. It is sure to become...
Whether you're counting calories or not, using turkey-style bacon and less blue cheese is a simple way to reduce the calories and fat in this classic main...
Whether you're counting calories or not, using turkey-style bacon and less blue cheese is a simple way to reduce the calories and fat in this classic main...
Kenilworth egg farmers Steve and Marsha Shaw love brownies. Especially Steve, who is a serious chocolate lover! These brownies can be enjoyed sliced into...
Delightful little bites to enjoy with a light airy frosting that is easy to make. Be sure to garnish these delicious cupcakes with an extra special sprinkle...
The secret to this recipe is the grated eggs, which adds creaminess to this simple salad, finished off with sweet onion vinaigrette. It is sure to become...
Whether you're counting calories or not, using turkey-style bacon and less blue cheese is a simple way to reduce the calories and fat in this classic main...
Kenilworth egg farmers Steve and Marsha Shaw love brownies. Especially Steve, who is a serious chocolate lover! These brownies can be enjoyed sliced into...
Delightful little bites to enjoy with a light airy frosting that is easy to make. Be sure to garnish these delicious cupcakes with an extra special sprinkle...